WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY PLANNING COMMITTEE 29/06/07: AGENDA CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE 29th June 2007 10:30am, The Community Centre, Nethy Bridge AGENDA Item 1. Welcome 2. Apologies 3. Minutes of previous meeting (15th June 2007) and matters arising 4. Declaration of interest by members on any items appearing on the agenda 5. Planning Application Call-in Decisions Report to be issued on Monday 25th June 2007 Andrew Tait, Planning Officer Oral Presentation 6. Suggested Comments on Applications Not Called-In 7. Report on Called-in Planning Application: Erection of Dwelling Craigmekie, Glen Isla (Full Planning Permission) (04/400/CP) Andrew Tait, Planning Officer Paper 1 8. Report on Called-in Planning Application: Erection of Administrative Centre Princess Royal & Duke of Fife Memorial Park, Moorfield House Road, Braemar (Full Planning permission) (07/062/CP) Andrew Tait, Planning Officer Paper 2 9. Report on Called-in Planning Application: Demolition of Existing House; Erection of 6 Flats Kila, 79 Grampian Road, Aviemore (Outline Planning Permission) (06/444/CP) Andrew Tait, Planning Officer Paper 3 10. Report on Called-in Planning Application: Erection of Lunch Hut (Retrospective) Site to the North of Invernettie, Strathdon (Full Planning Permission) (07/056/CP) Iram Mohammed, Planning Assistant Paper 4 11. Report on Called-in Planning Application: Erection of 46 Houses and Ancillary Works at Plots 1-10, 21-26 and 46-75 Land At High Burnside, Aviemore (Approval of Reserved Matters) (07/024/CP) Mary Grier, Planning Officer Paper 5 12. Report on Called-in Planning Application: Demolition of Existing Steading; Erection of New House Byre, Straanruie, Nethy Bridge (Full Planning Permission) (07/019/CP) Mary Grier, Planning Officer Paper 6 13. Report on Consultation Response to Highland Council: Review of Conditions on Existing Planning Permission for Mineral Working (Section 74 of Act) (07/00117/FULBS) Tullochgribban Quarry, Dulnain Bridge (Full Planning Permission) (07/182/CP) Mary Grier, Planning Officer Paper 7 14. Report on Called-in Planning Application: Demolition of Existing Garage and Erection of Replacement Fuel Sales, Bus Hire Yard, Cafeteria with Retail Sales, Post Office, Parking, Play Area and Wood Chip Furnace Dinnet Garage, Dinnet, Aboyne (Full Planning Permission) (05/137/CP) Neil Stewart, Planning Officer Paper 8 15. AOB 16. Date of next meeting and quorum requirement